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JointPromise will be presenting at the Bioprocessing Summit in Barcelona

Next Tuseday JointPromise coordinatori will be presenting at the Bioprocessing Summit in Barcelona on the #Celltherapy Therapy Manufacturing Stream. An overview on automation technologies for organoid-based tissue manufacture and progress on the JOINTPROMISE Project will be provided ! An excellent opportunity to showcase progress made within the project with industrial #celltherapymanufacturing colleagues! See details through link: 5th Annual Cell Therapy Manufacturing
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JointPromise will provide a talk on Advanced Therapies Congress 2023

JointPromise coordinator, Prof. Ioannis Papantoniou will provide an overview of the progress carried out within the project – Providing a talk on the Advanced Therapies Congress 2023 in Excel, London. This conference brings together more than 1000 peers active in the Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine areas from both industry and academia. Hear from: Athanasios Mantalaris – Panoz Chair of[...]
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